. Life Quotes, Thought for the Day, Funny Quotes: Don't Forget to Brush Your Teeth

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Don't Forget to Brush Your Teeth

In trying to be a whole or balanced individual, sometimes we tend to overlook certain areas of our lives. I for instance made a goal of waking up 2 hours earlier than I normally do to have more time to pray and meditate. While this is a healthy habit to incorporate, I was not getting enough sleep and my health was suffering for it.

It can be difficult to find balance or to compromise, even with ourselves. We want wake up earlier to exercise but don't go to bed earlier to offset the loss in sleep.

To be in balance is to be considerate of all aspects of your life- physical, spiritual, mental and emotional. It is a constant challenge to stay in balance, but by making small adjustments and being mindful of thoughts, feelings, emotions- we are more adaptable and can begin to incorporate new ideas and ways of thinking into our lives.

Thought for the Day- Sit and be still. The grass grows all by itself- Zen Wisdom

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