. Life Quotes, Thought for the Day, Funny Quotes: 2011-03-13

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Zen Enlightenment

If you are searching for the truth you will never find it. If you silence yourself, the truth will be revealed.

It is too easy to get caught up in thought and emotion. We will believe what we will and accept things based on our perceptions. But it is once we begin to doubt; that is when we truly begin to awaken.

Thought for the Day- Where there is great doubt, there will be great awakening; small doubt, small awakening, no doubt, no awakening.
- Zen Saying

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

The Best thing about Today

When we lay down at night, we assume we will awake the next morning. We don't consider the fact that today could be the last day.

Before I go to sleep, I try to look back at my day and evaluate. The best thing about today is our memories. We can always cherish memories. I try to think of how I was today, and if I should awake tomorrow, I will try to be better.

Thought for the Day- Today I will cherish, as if it were my last. And should I awake tomorrow, then I will be better than today.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Bring Peace and Be at Peace

The essence of Zen  is to be at peace, to be mindful and ever present. To go in search of something that does not exist is absurd. Zen is not a thing, it is a state of mind, a perception, it is everything and nothing.

Thought for the Day- The only Zen you can find on the tops of mountains is the Zen you bring up there. 
-Robert M. Pirsig

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Thoughts and Prayers go out to Japan

It is difficult to imagine a tragedy so great as what is going on in Japan right now. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families and people of Japan.

My hopes are that in the aftermath of this great tragedy that the people of Japan can find sanctuary, can find peace within and that all humanity will reach out to help these people.

Thought for the Day- May the good in humanity shine through, and may all people come together to help our relatives suffering in Japan.